Butera Art Advisory is highly regarded and recognized for its appraisals for all purposes including: insurance, estate/estate planning, damage/loss, donation, divorce/equitable distribution, and art as collateral.

Our experienced team of specialists includes experts in all areas of fine art, decorative art, jewelry, classic cars and motorcycles, fine and rare wine and spirits, design, stamps, coins, and other collectibles and personal property. Butera Art Advisory’s experts have the qualifications and skills to identify and evaluate each item in a collection across all price levels in the market.

Butera Art Advisory’s appraisal reports are prepared directly by our qualified senior professionals and are customized for each appraisal purpose. Butera Art Advisory provides appraisals that are objective and confidential. Our reports are compliant with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and meet all IRS requirements.

Each appraisal document includes a color image and full catalogue description for each item. All values are supported by appropriate market comparables and analysis.

Butera Art Advisory’s appraisal fees are competitive with industry standards. They are based on an hourly rate per specialist along with travel or other related expenses when applicable.

Butera Art Advisory will provide a complimentary initial assessment of the property, either by an in-person walk-through or via photographs. Then, we prepare a recommended action plan for the appraisal and an estimated cost.

My partner and I have had the pleasure of working with the firm's president, Alanna Butera, in her capacity as an art appraiser for several years. On behalf of our clients, she has appraised many works of contemporary art, ranging in value from less than $1 million to well over $5 million. She has also provided us and our clients with valuable insights relating to the art market.

New York based Partner at International Law Firm